Episode 16: What is Due  

April 10, 2023David Lambert
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One of my favorite books in the Bible is the book of Proverbs. And one of the things I like about Proverbs is that it is filled with good, practical counsel about life. It’s written in the format of a father giving counsel to his son. My own Dad gave me lots of practical counsel, much of which I rejected at the time. Although I may have ignored it then, I also learned from it. I knew Dad to be honest and knowledgeable. Eventually, the seeds he planted in my life bore fruit. Today’s passage reminds me so much of my Dad, who often did things for other people just because he saw they needed help and was aware that he was able to provide it. Here’s the verse. 

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.” (Proverbs 3:27)  

For a period of time, I worked for a large road construction company as the Utility Division Superintendent. Each spring, all company personnel were given performance reviews and as a Division Superintendent, I was required to review all of my personnel and make salary recommendations. One year, I submitted a request for an increase for a foreman who had performed particularly well. When my boss reviewed it, he said, “Dave, if I give him this raise, he’ll be making more money than you are!” I responded, “That’s not my problem, that’s your problem. My problem is to make sure I get him what he deserves.” In today’s passage we read that we must not withhold good from those to whom it is due when we have the power to do it. We often withhold good for various reasons, don’t we? It might be inconvenient. Maybe the other person will get credit for work we want credit for. It may be that we’re just stingy. Whatever the reason, the Bible clearly tells us not to do it. Today, ask God to help you see and act on the truth contained in this passage. It will bless others and bless you…and besides that, God likes it!  

And when we do something that God likes…that’s very Good News! 

© 2023 David Lambert
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