Episode 181: The good old days

April 29, 2024Dave Lambert
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I hear more and more people these days wistfully longing for what we often call the "good old days", a simpler, less complicated time. I constantly see posts on social media and receive emails with lists detailing all of the great things that were part of a nostalgic past. I even hear my kids,  who are in their 40's, talk about the good old days. For them, the good old days were the 80's and 90's. Guess what? People thousands of years ago longed for the good old days, too! Today, let's consider what the Bible has to say about this longing by listening to two passages:

Don’t long for “the good old days.” This is not wise. (Ecclesiastes 7:10, NLT)

Then I looked again at all the injustice that goes on in this world. The oppressed were crying, and no one would help them. No one would help them, because their oppressors had power on their side. (Ecclesiastes 4:1, NLT)

In today's first passage the writer makes this comment: "Don’t long for 'the good old days.'" Why not? Our second passage answers that question: "Then I looked again at all the injustice that goes on in this world. The oppressed were crying, and no one would help them. No one would help them, because their oppressors had power on their side." Sound familiar? That's right—back then, the good old days weren't great for everyone. And now today, our good old days weren't great for everyone, either. The 1950s and 1960s might have been great for white, middle class boys like me, living in the suburbs but they were not great for single mothers, Black Americans, poor people in the projects and women who wanted to succeed in their jobs. Oppressors were oppressing people then and oppressors still use their power to oppress people today.

You and I cannot change the past but we can engage the present and address the future with faith, hope, and courage. For those who are following Jesus, the best is yet to come. We can serve the Lord and serve others today...and that is very Good News! 

© 2024 Dave Lambert