Episode 219: God intended it all for good

July 26, 2024David Lambert
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You’re probably familiar with the Old Testament story of Joseph, Jacob’s favorite son. God gave Joseph dreams about leadership and he told his brothers about it. They didn't like Joseph or his dreams, so they threw him down into a pit and then sold him into slavery. Later, as a slave in Egypt, he was thrown in prison under false pretenses but eventually became Finance Minister of Egypt when the Lord gave him more dreams that allowed him to predict the future for Pharoh. In the end, his brothers and father came to Egypt for rescue due to a famine, only to discover their brother was in charge of helping them. In today’s passage, let's listen to what Joseph said to his brothers:

You intended to harm me but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. (Gen. 50:20)

AW Pink, an English Bible teacher in the early 20th Century, once made this comment: "God is working out his eternal purpose, not only in spite of human and satanic opposition, but by means of them." In other words, God harnesses satanic opposition against us and uses it to work out His purposes in our lives and the lives of others. Have you ever had an experience that you thought was terrible, only to find out later that it contained blessings that you would never have experienced without it? A number of years ago our local Habitat for Humanity completed building a new house and the needy family moved in. But just a month later, the house burned down as a result of an accident with fireworks. What a disaster! However, shortly later while I was praying and fasting, God moved me to meet with a man I had never met but who worked at a large national home builder. He told me, "This is the exact type of project we have been looking for!" So, we spent the next six months working out the details, then rebuilt the house in what we call a "Blitz Build." We completed and refurnished the entire house in one week with no additional cost. None of us who participated in that project will ever forget what God did.

Today, if you’re experiencing opposition, let me encourage you. God isn't afraid of the devil. God always knows what to do and how to use it for your good...and that is very Good News!  

© 2024 David Lambert
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