Episode 231: Flourishing like palm trees

August 23, 2024Dave Lambert
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In the past few years I've had to attend more funerals. I've said goodbye to some wonderful friends; brothers and sisters in Christ who have walked with me on this journey with Jesus. Their partings have been sad, but I rejoice that they are with Him now and that I will one day see them again. As I was reading today's passage, I thought about a dear friend who, thankfully, is still with us. Let's listen to three verses from Psalm 92:

But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. (Psalm 92:12-14)

From 1989 to 1994, my wife Pam and I were members of Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church in rural Scrabble, VA. We made many friends there, including a retired Marine Corps Captain named Perry Smiley. We had his son Phillip in Senior High Sunday School and Youth Group. Perry and his wife Linda came with us on a Youth Retreat and during that weekend we got to know them a little better. We were at Mt. Lebanon for only five years but we never completely lost touch. The first time we ran into Perry after that was at a small nursing home, where he was bringing fresh fruit to the patients. These days, we see him every week while we’re working at the food closet near downtown Culpeper. He collects food for people at both the Senior Center and the Manna Ministry lunch outreach for the poor and homeless in town. Oh, did I mention that Perry is 91 years old? He's a joy to know and an inspiration to Pam and me. Like we read in today's passage, Perry's a godly man who is flourishing and bearing fruit for Jesus in old age. I want to be like that, don't you?

As you and I age, there are some practical things we can do: Seek the Lord. Serve Him by serving other people. Listen for His voice. Follow His guidance. You and I can be fruitful for Jesus as we grow older...and that is very Good News!     

© 2024 Dave Lambert