Episode 272: Thankful in all

November 27, 2024David Lambert
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Do you want to know God’s will for your life? Spiritually-minded people tell us to pray more, read the Bible more, serve more, tithe more, fast more, join their churches. Recently in the US, civic-minded people told us that God’s will is standing up for or against various policies, pay less or more in taxes, and get involved in the political process and vote. This morning however, pay attention, because I’m about to tell you what God’s will is for your life! Are you ready? Here it comes:

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. (I Thess. 5:18)

I once listened to a radio program in which the host spoke about the historical origins of the Thanksgiving holiday in the US. He interviewed several historians and it was quite an interesting program. As the program neared its end, the host asked, “What are the religious implications of Thanksgiving in our day? Are people thankful to someone or are people thankful for someone?” Imagine my disappointment when the historian said, “Well, there really isn’t a religious aspect to it anymore. Thanksgiving is really a day about getting together with family, watching the football game, and having a wonderful meal together.” What? That’s it? Not according to the Bible. In today’s passage, Paul tells us that if we belong to Jesus Christ, God wants something from us. He says, “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” Here in the US, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day—the one day every year that our nation calls for its citizens to express thankfulness to God. How about you? Are you thankful to God in all circumstances? Your circumstances may be great; if so, be thankful. Or, your circumstances may be terrible; if so, be thankful. Whatever circumstance you find yourself in, God’s will for you is the same. Be thankful. But how can we be thankful in every circumstance? Here’s how: Remember that God is God, and He sent His Son Jesus to die on a cross and be raised from the dead, so that you and I might experience eternal life with Him. He blesses us. He cares for us. He gives us this wonderful world in which to live and He has given us life. Each breath and every heartbeat is a gift from God. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. But today and every day, remember to be thankful. It’s not just a good idea…it’s God’s will for you!

© 2024 David Lambert
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