Episode 287: Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

January 01, 2025David Lambert
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Have you ever heard the word, paradox? A paradox is a statement or idea that contains two thoughts that might seem to contradict each other but when explained, prove true—two ideas counter-balance one another, or what we might call a tension of ideas. Most of us want to resolve this tension rather than accept it. However, God often calls us to live within a paradox, instead of trying to resolve it. Our first paradox in this series is familiar to most of us; let’s listen to it:

Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. (Romans 12:15)

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? The optimist says, “Things may seem bad now but they’re going to get better.” The pessimist says, “Things are bad and getting worse.” Both the optimist and the pessimist are uncomfortable with the paradox that exists between lament and joy. Many Christians see a fellow believer weeping and want to tell them something to cheer them up. Other Christians look at the world around them and say, “I hope Jesus comes right away…this world is going down the tube!”  You and I may want to resolve this obvious tension and become either optimists or pessimists. But did you know that you don’t have to choose? Our passage today reminds us that we are called to live with this tension, because lament can actually be joyful. We can lament that our world and everyone who lives in it are broken. At the same time we can rejoice that Jesus has come and is making all things new. As people of faith, we can mourn with those who mourn (including ourselves) while at the same time rejoicing with those who rejoice. If our faith is real and our trust is in Jesus, we can both weep and rejoice…and that is very Good News!

© 2025 David Lambert
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