Episode 47: Jesus is the Messiah 

June 21, 2023David Lambert
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In this devotion, “Jesus is the Messiah,” Dave concludes his series from the Book of Acts, declaring the glorious truth that reaches down through the centuries, convicting and inspiring our hearts today. And now, Dave’s devotion.  

All of last week and Monday, we have been following the activities of Peter and some of the apostles in the Book of Acts following Jesus’s ascension. They were teaching, healing people and casting out demons when the Council decided to put a stop to it. They were jailed but an angel took them to the Temple where they began teaching people about "this new life." The Council wanted to execute them but one Pharisee, a man named Gamaliel, cautioned against it, saying other movements had failed on their own and if the movement wasn't from God, it would fail, too. But if it was from God, they couldn't stop it and they might even be fighting against God! Today, let's finish the series by listening to what followed Gamaliel’s appeal: 

The Council followed Gamaliel's advice. They called the apostles in, had them whipped, and ordered them never again to speak in the name of Jesus; and then they set them free. The apostles left the high council rejoicing that God had counted them worthy to suffer disgrace for the name of Jesus. And every day, in the Temple and from house to house, they continued to teach and preach this message: “Jesus is the Messiah.” (Acts 5:39b-42) 

I find this passage interesting, don't you? The Council decided not to kill the apostles and then let them go—after giving them a good beating and ordering them to never speak in the Name of Jesus again. I like what the apostles did next; let's listen to it again: "The apostles left the high council rejoicing that God had counted them worthy to suffer disgrace for the name of Jesus." Wow! Far from being put off by the whipping they had just received, these guys were rejoicing. Why were they so happy? They got the privilege of being disgraced, just like Jesus! When we think of being just like Jesus we like to think of having Jesus' power, His holiness, His loving personality. Have you ever rejoiced for being shamed? When I'm shamed, I want to find a way to get back at the person who shamed me—but that's not being like Jesus at all. Jesus took the shame and He took all of your sins and my sins on Himself. When He was shamed, He responded in love. You and I can learn from this. We haven't been redeemed to be get back at people. We've been redeemed so that we can share the love of Jesus, no matter how we're treated.  

Being treated badly and responding with love is being like Jesus. And when we are being just like Jesus—that's always very Good News! 

Thanks, everyone, for listening. To learn more about Dave’s devotions, get a transcript or replay a broadcast, visit teachmi.com/dave.   

And please join us again for a new devotion on Friday. 

© 2023 David Lambert
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