Dr. James Bearss


Dr. Jim Bearss has served the Lord since 1975 as a Leader, Pastor, Missionary, and Teacher in Bible College and Seminary. His Bible teaching ministry has reached over 400 churches in the US and eleven foreign countries. He and his wife, Anna Betsy, have three children. Dr. Bearss received a BA from Ripon College, a ThM and ThD from Trinity Theological Seminary and a DMin from Westminster Theological Seminary California. He pastored and taught God’s Word at four churches in the US. Dr. Bearss has taught at Moody Bible Institute, Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano (SRL), and through his own mission organization, On Target Ministry. TMI partnered with SRL to send Dr. Bearss to Medellin, Colombia, where he taught Intro to the New Testament to 20 participants.

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