Dr. Smith received his Bachelors Degree from George Mason University and his Master's degree in Religion with a specialization in Letters from Westminster Theological Seminary. He completed a PhD in Historical Theology (apologetics), also at Westminster. Dr. Smith ministered in Prague, Czech Republic, representing the International Institute of Christian Studies (now Global Scholars) and taught several non-Christian subjects at Anglo-American College, such as: Comparative Religions, Intellectual History, The Bible as Literature, Ecclesiastes, and Business Ethics. He also served as Interim President of the same university for one year and founded the Komenský Institute in Prague, a free educational foundation. He wrote articles about this ministry and missions in the Evangelical Missions Quarterly, receiving several citations. Dr. Smith was also an adjunct professor of New Testament at Evangelical Bible Seminary near Philadelphia. Dr. Smith has been ministering as a missionary in Argentina for 14 years, having established a Spanish language website focused on Biblical worldview and the Kuyper Center, which is dedicated to engaging the academic community with the gospel of Christ. Dr. Smith has lectured for TMI in Nicaragua and Argentina on Biblical Worldview.
“We cannot be passive and silent towards those who reject God's Word and our holy faith.”